Functional Elder Wand with Handles
Replaces the player wand with the elder wand with custom handle support.
Functional Elder Wand With Handles
Replaces the player wand with the elder wand with custom handle support.
All handle types tested but only one wand type tested, they all should work however.
Change is only cosmetic and doesn’t give any enhanced abilities.
For Functional Elder wand to work Download the Elder Wand Cast File
along with Blueprint Apparate: https://www.hogwartslegacymod.com/blueprint-apparate-modloader/
Once in game press F8 and type “ElderWand” then use F7 to toggle it on or off
Extract the .zip and place the .pak/.ucas/.utoc into
“Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods”
if the mods folder doesn’t exist make on yourself.