Unlock Gear Limit Capacity(Update)
This mod unlocks the limited on gear equipment.
Enough with going back to town to sell stuff. While flirting with exploration.
You can buy NPC gear without minding capacity.
(it not change UI ,The UI will be equal to the trail you unlock.)
If there is any error, please let me know.
**No need to update if original file work.
Follow this step If you have some issue.(for v1.2)
Make sure you always re-extract .rar the file when installing.(Don’t use the same file when installation fails.)
1. Fill full your bag in Gear Equipment.
2. Install mod in ~mods folder
3. Buy stuff from a store to exceed the current capacity.
4. Save and restart game.
5. Buy some more in store. (If you can buy it Done.)
Unzip the file in your \Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods folder
Default game location: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks
If you dont have the “~mods” folder, make it!
If you have multiple mods editing the phoenix db use this mod merger or it will not work.