Lore Friendly Apparition

Hogwarts Legacy Mods |

Lore Friendly Apparition

Adds the ability to apprate to any location, with lore friendly exceptions such as Hogwarts and unexplored areas.

Lore Friendly Apparition
This mod adds the ability to apparate to any point on the map, with certain lore friendly restrictions.
It uses the guide path as a base, so you will have to place a waymarker or have an active mission for the apparition to be available.

v1.01 Changes:

  • Changed activation to a double tap after popular demand. This should make the guide path still usable if you want it, and should combat the issue people were having on controller where switching spell sets would accidentally trigger the apparition.
  • Changed it so the Apparition only works within the open world map, since many reported that sub-levels would just teleport you into the void.

Apparition is triggerd by doing a quick double tap of the guide path button (By default V on PC, and D-Pad Up on controller)
if you have a valid destination, it will trigger the apparition.
If you do not have a valid destination, it will show you and error explaining why the apparition isn’t valid, and then just show the you guide path instead.

This mod requires the Blueprint Apparate Modloader

Install by extracting the Apparition.zip content into “Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods” folder
Once in the games character select screen open the Blueprint Apprate Modloader by hitting F8 and type “Apparition”


  • You can not apparate in or out of hogwarts. (Whether you are in hogwarts or not is decided by the minimap state, so if you have the Hogwarts minimap, it counts as being inside Hogwarts).
  • You can not apparate to places you have not explored. (This restriction was added because in the books it is said you need to be able to imagine the location you want to apparate to. And thus it makes sense to me within game reasoning, that you have to explore the area before you can imagine it)

Known Issues:

  • When apparating on a broom, the player will ‘fall’ after having disapparated.
  • Occasionally will not play the Apparate audio when arriving at your destination.
  • Can occasionally place you out of bounds if you place your waymarker along the map border.
  • The player will hold the field guide on arrival, as if having sent out the guide path.
  • The ‘area not explored’ check can sometimes fail even though it looks like you have explored it on the map. Idk if this is just a discrepancy between how it is displayed and how the data is stored, given that the function used to check this is one that exists in the game already. Either way I haven’t found a good fix for it yet.

Credits: BenBandu
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

Useful Information: How to install Hogwarts Legacy Mods | Hogwarts Legacy System Requirements | About Hogwarts Legacy Game

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