Invis Mount (Animagus)
Makes the player invisible while mounted on any creatures, so it appears like an Animagus.
Toogle the mod by holding left Alt and pressing C
Mod is on by default
Requires Blueprint Apparate Modloader –
To install unpack the zip you downloaded, then copy all the three mod files (pak, ucas, utoc) to where your game is installed and your ~mods folder is:
“[Path-To-Steam]\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods”
Run the game, load a save, press F8 for Apparate window, type InvisMount, press enter. InvisMount should appear in the list. You need to only do it once.
To uninstall remove all the three mod files from
“[Path-To-Steam]\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods”