Auto Season v1.0
Automatically set the in-game season to match the in-game month. i.e. Dec-Feb=Winter, Mar-May=Spring, etc. By default the game changes season each time you complete a Keeper’s Trial. But if you make rapid progress you can end up with Winter (with Xmas decorations) in September, Spring in October and Summer in November. This mod automatically sets the in-game season and decorations appropriate to the in-game month:
– Sep-Nov = Autumn/Fall + Halloween decorations in Oct.
– Dec-Feb = Winter + Christmas decorations in Dec.
– Mar-May = Spring
– Jun-Aug = Summer
I would recommend installing the mod manually as described below. You should be able to install the mod automatically using Vortex if you like (then skip to step 4 below), but Vortex can be a bit unreliable with Hogwarts Legacy mods (it doesn’t always delete mods properly) so beware!
– Download the mod.
– Unzip the contents.
– Move the .utoc, .ucas, and .pak files to the Steam\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods\ folder.
– Install Blueprint Apparate Modloader if you haven’t already.
– Start Hogwarts Legacy
– Load your most recent save-file.
– Press the F8 key to activate Blueprint Apparate Modloader.
– Type AutoSeason in the little window and hit the Enter key on your keyboard.
– The word AutoSeason should disappear and reappear lower down in that window with an X next to it. If it doesn’t – if it stays on the top line – then either a) you put the .utoc, .ucas and .pak files in the wrong folder, or b) one of your existing mods is already using pakchunk 1058. Use my PakChunk Checker to check that. If you have a pakchunk conflict see the Conflicts section below.
– Press F8 again to close the modloader window.
Note that you only need to follow the above process once. From now on the mod will just work.
The mod is automatic so it should just work. The exception is when you complete a Keeper’s Trial, at which point the game will change the season. This mod will not change it back until you either 1) fast-travel or 2) press:
– ALT-e: Execute Auto-Season now.
How to Un-Install
Delete the .utoc, .ucas, and .pak files from the ~mods folder.
This mod uses pakchunk 1058. You can check if that conflicts with any of your existing mods by running my PakChunk Checker batch script after you’ve installed the mod. If it does conflict, you can fix it using the Chunk ID Conflict Manager.