Cozy and pleasant reshade
Experience the greener, more radiant, cheerful and delightful side of Hogwarts Legacy. Enjoy the vivid nostalgia.
It took me a few hours to test and finally come up with this amazing Philosopher’s Stone feel like reshade. I hope you will see the resemblance too and really dive into this beautiful world in HL. Have fun!
This reshade should not lower your PC’s performance—FPS are stable.
Make sure to uninstall the old reshade version before downloading the latest one.
1. Place my file, cosy vibes.ini, into \SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Binaries\Win64 or any other folder actually (keep an eye on it)
2. Install ReShade.
3. Select DirectX 10/11/12.
4. Select cosy vibes.ini from the folder you put it in when the installation asks you to select a preset to install.
5. Select all effect packages.
6. Done, enjoy your new game, lol.
If reshade preset doesn’t work, please double-check if your reshade is up-to-date.
To uninstall the reshade – open reshade, select HL, DirectX 10/11/12 and finally –> uninstall.