Albus and Severus paintings – Personal Collection
Adds Albus Dumbledore & Severus Snape paintings in the Headmaster’s office + Optionnaly my personal collection of paintings.
I wanted to add these legends back where they belong so here is this very simple mod ! Both paintings are static (not gifs, they won’t move) and replace 2 existing ones. You’ll find in the optionnal files my current personal collection of modified paintings (Cf: images and videos), which isn’t very lore friendly (at all tbh) but hey you might just be interested, you never know until you see it !
You’ll find Albus and Severus on your left when you enter the headmaster’s office, just like in the movies (kinda) and my personal collection is scattered around Hogwarts. All of the images from my collection are GIFs, they are all moving paintings in the game. You’ll find a preview video of every painting attached to each pack.
How to install :
I would advise you to make a backup of your Atlas folder or of the .bk2 files you’re about to change beforehand, so you can revert the paintings back to vanilla easily whenever you want. (SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Movies\Atlas)
Just place the “.bk2” files you want into the Atlas folder
Steam\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Movies\Atlas