Always Perfect Protego
Using protego will always result in perfect protego. This mod is for those of you who hate timing a perfect protego.
There is a mechanic in the game which players accomplish by timing the cast of protego right as an enemy’s strike is about to land. If you time it right and have the corresponding talents for perfect protego it can send projectiles back, blast enemies and break shields.
Using protego with this mod will always result in perfect protego. This mod is for those of you who hate timing a perfect protego.
Extract the file to \Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods folder
If you don’t have “~mods” folder just create it
Why would a wizard rolls on the ground more than using protego? Dumbledore would be disappointed and Voldemort would be laughing.
Always Perfect Protego + Protego Block Most of Heavy Attacks also available. Use this one if you want perfect protego and protego block most of heavy attacks (red circle).
How it works : Each enemies heavy attacks (red circle) were modified in the database to orange circle so it will be blockable.
If you find an enemy’s attack that still shows red circle, possibilities: Incorrect mod installation / bad merging / the mod hasn’t modified that enemy’s attack.
Known Issues: Graphorn attack can’t be blocked.
1.4.0 : Updated to the May 4 2023 Patch.
1.3.0 : Updated to the latest patch.
1.2.0 : Fixed the issue where loyalist assassin’s counter attack can’t be blocked.
1.1.0 : Fixed the issue where forest troll’s swing attack can’t be blocked. Thanks to volkar256.
1.0.0 : First release.
This mod will probably conflict with other mods. Use “Hogwarts Mod Merger” to merge this mod with other mods.