Avril Makeup for all skintones
Made this for myself, I just have to play like that. Don’t mind my screenshot quality.
Edgy teen makeup for female characters:
Black smeared eye pencil and lighter lips
Ivory skintones are more pale
Skin stays natural
To install: put all 3 files from the archive in your Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks
Uses pakchunk111 – might cause interference with some other mods and exit to desktop, optional file uses chunk 191 picked randomly I don’t know if it’s any better yet.
requires removal of other mods that change female skintones
* UPDATE: replaced the main file with one that doesn’t change arms so it doesn’t mess up the nails mods. It doesn’t seem to look weird with the pale ivory skintones
* Added goth lipstick options but they only look good on half of the head shapes – see if it works for you
* Added a natural lip option but it’s very subtle