Better and Immersive Timeskip – Hotkeys and UI
Adds a UI and hotkeys that call customized wait/timeskip functions that allow to speed up time until dawn or night, and even choose how many hours to wait while enjoying the view! Now both in one mod with a little extra customization.
Timeskip for how many hours you want with a UI made by WinterElfeas
Press F4 on your keyboard or Left shoulder button (tool wheel) + D-pad down with your gamepad to open a UI where you can choose how many hours you want to wait.
Timeskip to night or dawn (similar to the game’s wait function)
Press ALT+E to trigger a timeskip to night if it’s day or to dawn if it’s night while in-game and enjoy the view!
Timeskip for how many hours you want
Press the PLUS button on your keyboard to add hours to wait, the MINUS button to subtract hours to wait and the BACKSPACE button to initiate the timeskip.
Setting EnableAnimation to true triggers a Drinking Tea animation. Credits to DeniMM and their mod Animation Console as their code helped immensely. This is using part of their code that is slightly changed to make it work with my mod. Unfortunately calling animations like this is buggy and will most likely crash your game if you fast travel after initiating a timeskip. Thought it looked cool. Will get back to this if a new way to call animations is found.
Setting TimeDilation to true activates time dilation to whatever value you’ve set it in TimeDilationValues. Value used in the picture below is 2.0, so every one and everthing is moving faster.
Setting TimeDilation to true activates time dilation to whatever value you’ve set it in TimeDilationValues. Value used in the picture below is 0.1, so everyone and everything moves slower.
To customize the mod open the mod’s main.lua file with Notepad where you can find:
By default initiating a timeskip disables input (can’t move/jump/etc) and speeds time up by 2 until the end of the timeskip. By default you can’t activate a timeskip while in combat or if you are on a broom or mount and the drinking tea animation is off.
If you set DisableOnBroom to false, input won’t be disabled while on a broom or mount because it was bugging the character out. Time won’t be sped up to x2 while on a broom or mount either because you’d be zooming everywhere lol.
The player is invulnerable while waiting.
The UI made by WinterElfeas is enabled by default.
Changing keybinds for ImmersiveTimeskip (Timeskip to night or dawn (similar to the game’s wait function))
Open the mod’s main.lua file with Notepad where you can find:
So for example, to change the “Main Hotkey to initiate timeskip” to F we do:
–Main Hotkey to initiate timeskip to dawn if it’s night or to nighttime if it’s day
Key1 = Key.F –Change “E” to whatever key you want. Valid keys on the mod’s page.
If you don’t want to use a ModifierKey set ModifierKeyIsEnabled to false.
Changing keybinds for BetterTimeskip (Timeskip for how many hours you want)
Open the mod’s main.lua file with Notepad where you can find:
So for example, to change the “Add hours to wait Key” to F we do:
–Add hours to wait Key
Add = Key.F –Change “OEM_PLUS” to whatever key you want. Valid keys on the mod’s page.
Changing keybind for opening the UI made by WinterElfeas
Open the mod’s main.lua file with Notepad where you can find:
So for example, to change the “Show UI” keybind to F we do:
–Show UI keybind
Show = Key.F –Change “F4” to whatever key you want. Valid keys on the mod’s page.
Download UE4SS-RE/RE-UE4SS xinput version.
Drop its files in Phoenix\Binaries\Win64.
If you want to use the UI, download Blueprint Apparate Modloader.
Download the mod and drop its files at the root folder of the game (Hogwarts Legacy). The manual version of the script goes in Phoenix\Binaries\Win64\Mods.
Delete previous versions of ImmersiveTimeskip and BetterAndImmersiveTimeskip.
If you want to use the UI, open Blueprint Apparate Modloader’s menu with F8, type SkipTime in it and press enter.
Check important notes!!!
Important notes:
If you are using a gamepad, pressing the Left Shoulder button and D-Pad Down button needs to be fast, in order to avoid activating the Tool Wheel, which will stop the cursor from appearing if not done fast enough.
Name for Blueprint Apparate Modloader: SkipTime
Backup your save file before using the mod. As far as I can tell everything is working fine with no issues, just like the regular wait function in the map menu. Even tested the mod with Display current Date, saved the game and loaded back in. Days, hours, minutes etc. are working fine. But make a backup just in case. There’s a slight chance that waiting for 24 hours will put you into an infinite timeskip loop and only way to stop it is to close the game. Happened only once, can’t recreate it, so I dunno.
Credits to WinterElfeas for the help, for their UI and for their mod Display current Date Time as their code helped immensely.