Cinematic HL Reshade Preset
Simple Preset I made for Hogwarts Legacy which gives; Enhanced Textures, Sharpened Image, Deeper/Richer Colors and Enhanced Contrast.
Using the latest version of Reshade along with all effects installed.
Install DX 10/11/12 Reshade to:
\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Binaries\Win64\HogwartsLegacy.exe
You can install the extracted preset with the installation of Reshade. If you already have Reshade installed just drop the preset .ini into the folder above and it should work.
Graphics are set to ultra in screenshots.
Edit: Just wanted to say it works well with all graphic settings.
Edit 2: I’m toying around with effects in hopes of improving the overall visual appearance the preset gives as I think I can do better. Will update when I feel comfortable with it.
Update to 2.0.0
Version 1 will still be available for download and the screenshots for it will have the slanted bar for the on/off indicators.
Minimal FPS loss at ~3-5FPS on an RTX 3060/Ryzen 5 3600 combo.
If you like the preset don’t forget to endorse it!