Death Eaters Mask
Male version replaces ‘Wolf Mask’ unlocked after defeating Infamous Enemies on Challenges
This mod chunk number is 222
It got another version that replaces Mermaid Mask (ChunkID: 221)
Female version replaces ‘Mermaid Mask’ unlocked after defeating Infamous Enemies on Challenges
This mod chunk number is 222
Works with all robes, but have clipping with some hats. Female got some minor clipping in some parts, but that’s the best i could do
How to install:
Drag and drop the files inside the ZIP Folder into:
Steam Games\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods
*Female mask have two versions, one for use with Hoods Down and other for use with Hoods Up. CHOOSE ONLY ONE