Duel Anyone Anywhere
Do you want to duel a student out of nowhere ? Then this mod is for you. Choose a student and duel him.
Install this mod to access mod settings
Universal Settings Mod Menu
Ever wanted to duel a random student for e.g in the transfiguration courtyard ?
Now you can. Get near a student to interact with and start the duel.
(You can’t fight every students and that is done to prevent dueling overflow)
1 Wave by default:
Wave 1: Student choosen
Wave 2: Two Random students
Wave 3: 3 Random Students
Wave 4: 4 Random Professors
(Not configurable for now)
While dueling, you can’t use:
– Revelio
– Lumos
– Reparo
– Unforgivables
– Disillusionment
There is 10% chance that you’ll find an ally so look closely for everyone around you before starting a duel (because you can’t opt for an ally after the duel has started)
1. Extract the zip inside Hogwarts Legacy root folder […]/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Hogwarts Legacy/
2. Install Blueprint_Apparate ModLoader
3. While in-game: Press F8 and then type StudentsCombat
4. Restart the game and enjoy
(The mod use chunk id 130)
Known issues
Sometimes, the wrong number of duelist will spawn and that can cause you to actually finish dueling everyone available but your spells will remains locked.
(I’m actually looking into this)