Eat Drink Rest
Eat, drink and rest like your life depends on it.
What it does
This mod makes food, drink, and your common room bed useful.
Disables health regen (as a base necessity for the mod). For every day passed in the game, at the next Loading (fast travel, load save, go in / out of dungeons …) or Wait:
Hunger: your life will be reduce by certain % (cumulative for each day that pass), and at critical level you cannot run
Thirst: your ancient magic damage is reduced (cumulative for each day that pass), and at critical level cannot cast ancient magic finisher
Tiredness: at critical level (only) casting Protego reduce your health
A custom UI, indicating the number of days past:
Green means zero debuff,
Orange means debuff (but not critical debuff),
Red means critical debuff
Eat (get back health and movement) or Drink (get back ancient magic damage and use) or Rest (no more damage using protego) to reset the last day and remove the debuffs
Follow those steps carefully.
Download the latest UE4SS (Xinput)
Extract its content next to the executable “~\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Binaries\Win64\”
> Should look like that (edit: minus imgui.ini and ue4ss.logs that generate after. You do not need all original files from UE4SS zip)
> New in UE4SS 2.5: Take also the Mods folder, the default BPModLoaderMod of UE4SS is now required
Open the Mods\mods.txt file, and make sure BPModLoaderMod = 1
Extract this mod ZIPs (you need both main files) to the game root folder “~\Hogwarts Legacy”
Known limitations:
Would like the MaxHealth to be reduce “permanently” like even when using potion, but not sure it is possible.
Losing health during Protego will cause a very slight hitch, for now we have no workaround for this as Health Bar HUD is not being updated if we do async to not cause a hitch
Custom Changes
You can adapt a bit the values to your liking at the beginning of the main.lua file:
— Trackers
local tirednessMax = 100 — Dont change
local hungerMax = 100 — Dont change
local thirstMax = 100 — Dont change
local tirednessCurrent = 100 — Dont change
local hungerCurrent = 100 — Dont change
local thirstCurrent = 100 — Dont change
local hungerPerDay = 15 — Update if you want to reach critical level more or less fast
local thirstPerDay = 30 — Update if you want to reach critical level more or less fast
local tirednessPerDay = 30 — Update if you want to reach critical level more or less fast
local hungerPenaltyPercent = 15 — Percentage of health reduced per day without eating
local thirstPenaltyPercent = 20 — Percentage of Ancient Magic damage reduced per day without drinking
local hungerCriticalThreshold = 41 — Critical level below which you cannot run anymore
local thirstCriticalThreshold = 60 — Critical level below which you cannot use Ancient Magic anymore
local tirednessCriticalThreshold = 30 — Critical level below which you lose life using Protego