Enable SSGI
Simple ini file tweak to enable SSGI for improved lighting visuals.
SSGI is a more advanced lighting system which you can enable through the
Engine.ini file. Just add these lines to the bottom of the file located AppData\Local\Hogwarts Legacy\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor:
[SystemSettings]r.SSGI.Enable=1 # Whether to enable SSGI (defaults to 0).
r.SSGI.HalfRes=0 # Whether to do SSGI at half resolution (defaults to 0).
r.SSGI.Quality=2 # Quality setting to control number of ray shot with SSGI, between 1 and 4 (defaults to 4).
Although this does come at a performance cost, you can use the HalfRes and Quality options to help reduce the cost especially if you’re
using something like DLSS or FSR 2.0. Worth mentioning this effects GPU
usage which isn’t bad considering the game has CPU related perforamnce
Should note this will only improve the game’s AO and IL since full GI requires proper dev implementation. Anyway figured I’d let people know about this since I was a bit underwhelmed with the game’s own AO implementation.