Evelynn – Skin Replacement
Evelynn – Winged eyeliner makeup that replaces skins 1-5.
You can download face model here.
I also included the standard skin tone and a darker version of it. Softened hands.
Three skin colour versions to choose from
Vanilla (Standard skin colour)
Blush on cheeks and nose, with some contour and highlight. Adjust with complexions.
Winged eyeliner. Glossed natural red lipstick.
Update ver. 1.1/2.1/3.1:
Mismatched hand colours to face are now corrected. All hand textures softened.
Custom faces, hairs etc.
Any other skin mod that replaces 1-5.
Likely 6-13 as well, since they share hand files.
Mods with Chunk ID 220.
Issue – character turns invisible/glitches: Curly Hair – Bellatrix Style by Kailiana
Unzip .pak, .ucas, .utoc files here:
SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods
Remove files to uninstall
Try these steps if the mod does not show up:
⇢ Manually install mods
⇢ Change mod location: “Paks” folder instead of “~mods”
⇢ Change mod priority: Rename file name – first letter “z” to “a”
How to change appearance on an existing character
Character Editor by nathdev (Requires Blueprint Apparate Modloader by Narknon)