Facial hair
IMPORTANT! choose 1 type of beard that you want, it will replace the Mad Eye Goggles you can find it anywhere in the world while opening chests/and bags just wait till you find one
Then follow the instructions below how to install
place the .pak .ucas and .utoc into your
\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods
if ~mods doest exist create one
this mod is tested on 1 head model i dont know if it will fit all characters hope it does and its coded to 1 color i cannot change this sadly!
Beards do not move with the face i had to make a choice or replace a scarf and creat all sorts of issues like when you equip a beard your jacket would mess up or replace and outfit turns the character invisible, the creators made the glasses and masks to attach to 1 bone the face bone i cannot edit the skeleton of what the item uses so i had to use glasses/mask to get a beard and not create major issues with other clothing, meaning i can only attach it to the face bone so meaning no weight paint movement sadly