Faster Cooldown Unforgivable Curses
Lowers the cooldown of the 3 unforgivable curses.
Crucio: 15s (Normally 20)
Imperio: 20s (Normally 30)
Avada: 40s (Normally 90)
Lowered them to have more fun but not so much as to be super cheaty.
-Extract the .pak file from the .zip using winrar or 7zip
-Drop it into your ~mods folder or create it if you don’t have one (SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Hogwarts Legacy/Phoenix/Content/Paks/~mods)
If you have multiple mods editing the phoenix db use this mod merger or it will not work.
The files also contain an old version which has crucio: 15s imperio: 15s and avada: 30s if you’d rather use that.