Free Fly Mod

Hogwarts Legacy Mods |

Free Fly Mod

The mods disables “No Mount”, “No Dismount” and “Mount Speed Limit” volumes to allow for using your Broom (and mounts in general) in restricted zones.

Work in progress! So far the approach is mostly a “brute force” one which means not entirely optimal and also surprises and bugs can happen. Watch out for those and report to get them sorted out.

IMPORTANT! For some reason having minimap enabled interferes with the mod – you can fly and dismount into restricted areas, but you can’t take off. Disable minimap and reload to fix it – and it will work from that point on.

Note that since the mod simply disables all the volumes listed, it has a potential side effect of being able to fly in places you’re not supposed to for gameplay reasons. This will be taken care of in the future updates.

Requires Blueprint Apparate Modloader.

To install unpack the 7z you downloaded, then copy all the three mod files (pak, ucas, utoc) to where your game is installed and your ~mods folder is:
“[Path-To-Steam]\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods”

Run the game, load a save, press F8 for Apparate window, type FreeFlyMod, press enter. FreeFlyMod should appear in the list. You need to only do it once.

To uninstall remove all the three mod files from
“[Path-To-Steam]\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods”

Army of Two:
R457 & GH057

Credits: R457
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Useful Information: How to install Hogwarts Legacy Mods | Hogwarts Legacy System Requirements | About Hogwarts Legacy Game

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