Grey Lady’s Hair
Added physics to her hair and made a hat A and B version. Wanted to test replacing a hairstyle that doesn’t have a unique model for the hat A and B version by default. Thus, I decided to attempt replacing the medium length Beverly Goldberg style hair.
I say all that to point out that this mod modifies that Data Asset file for hairstyle 3 (or StuHair06 if you’re looking in FModel/Umodel) in order to include a custom model for the two hat types.
It still clips with some hats, but it should look better with most of them than Garlick’s Hair.
Still clips with hoods like other long hair.
Sometimes it flips inside or through the neck. I’ve tried tons of setups to prevent this, but I think it might be more of a problem with unreal’s cloth sim. If you jump or move, it usually correctly itself pretty quick.
Manual install
Put the files in you mod folder at Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mod
Create a ~mod folder if you don’t have one
Replaces Hair 3 for female, 18 for male
Packed with chunk #148