Guiding Trail Enhancements
Provides different guiding trail appearences to customize player experience and increase immersion. Optional: Mute trail sound fx
You can choose between these options:
Trail Only: You only see the trail without the line in between. The book animation is still present.
Line Only: You only see the line without the trail surrounding it. The book animation is still present.
Book animation only: Line and Trail are both disabled. You only see the book flying towards the direction of your POI, but its trail disappears in ~5sec. (RECOMMENDED)
Explosion only: You only see and hear the book explosion. This is useful if you just want to know the direction quickly, without any other distraction.
OPTIONAL FILE: Mute the glowing sound effect. This is recommended if you chose an option that hides the trail+line and you may find odd that the SFX is still present.
Copy the content of your selected .zip file into Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks