HL True Fantasy Reshade
A True Fantasy Reshade Preset for Hogwarts Legacy offering enhanced visuals, better colours, clarity and clearer textures.
Welcome to True Fantasy Reshade. This is a personal reshade that I have been tweaking during my playthrough of Hogwarts Legacy.
I believe that Hogwarts Legacy can have even more fantasy in it, and this is one way of achieving that.
Please follow the installation instructions.
Step 1: Download Reshade 5.6.0 to SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Binaries\Win64 and select the HogwartsLegacy.exe please select DX10/11/12 and all shader options when asked.
Step 2: Download True Fantasy Reshade and place the 2 files into the SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Binaries\Win64 folder
Step 3: Boot up Hogwarts Legacy, open Reshade when ingame with the “Home” button on your keyboard. Click the drop down menu and select the HL True Fantasy Reshade.ini
Installation Complete.
NOTE: Those with a HDR monitor that use the HDR option in Hogwarts Legacy can turn off the HDR mode, Levels mode and DPX to make it look better.
If you notice any issues with the reshade please inform me, I will update it when I can with any additional changes. Additional preset options could be available in the future.