Hogwarts A Difficulty Mod
Simple hard mode edit effectively increases enemy and player’s damage while removing some annoyances for a fun combat experience.
In any game, the most important aspect for me is engagement and enjoyment, so I aim to make it moderately challenging but not too brutal. In this spirit, enemies now deal 70% more damage but have 20% less health, creating more of a kill-or-be-killed combat scenario. Enemy awareness and responsiveness are quicker compared to normal mode while maintaining timed block and shield cooldowns on enemies. Both your epic triumphs and abismal mistakes will feel more emphasis in this mode.
Your game difficulty must be set to Hard for these tweaks to apply.
Note on compatibility: if you run other mods which edit PhoenixShipData.sqlite you will need to merge them together using Hogwarts Mod Merger follow the instructions there.
Recommend use with my consistent basic cast mod. You will need to merge these mods if you want to use both together. I’ve included an already merged version in files section.
Install the .pak to SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\mods or equivalent
Update Feb. 17 2023 Added miscellaneous .pak merging my basic cast mod, this difficulty mod, and my own changes to revelio and incendio inspired by “unlock incendio/revelio” same as the previous merged .pak but incendio now has a tiny range increase and revelio lasts longer.
enemy damage increased from 1.3x to 2x
enemy health decreased from 1x to .8x
perfect protego window increased from .6 to 1 (same as normal difficulty)
enemy protego cooldown increased from 0 to 10 (same as normal difficulty)