Longer lasting glacius. transformation. arresto momentum. levioso (with faster cooldown options)
If you’ve ever wanted to leave your enemies floating in the air with levioso as they all plea in unison to have you put them down, or transform/freeze and stack them into a great big pile, or leave enemies slowly falling with arresto momentum, then look no further. This mod significantly increases the duration of the effects to 5 minutes.
In case you want something fun without turning you into an absolute beast like with my OP spells. I think you’ll like this. Normally the effects of these spells last between 3-30 seconds, but now they last 5 minutes (provided you don’t cast a damaging spell on them for example if they are frozen then they will unfreeze when you cast depulso or confringo.)
So if you’ve wanted to leave your enemies or creatures transformed so you can mess around with them, maybe stack them up into a big pile, or carry them over to a high cliff, then try out this mod.
I highly recommend merging this mod with my latest mod, which makes the train spawn more frequently. This way you can put your transfigured or frozen enemies on the tracks and watch what happens!
It’s a .pak mod I made by editing the PhoenixGameData.sqlite with sqlitestudio, specifically the SpellDefinition section.
It’s installed like all the other pak mods, Just open the provided zip file using your preferred tool such as 7zip. Place the provided .pak file in your ~mods folder which should be located at: Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods
if you have another mod using the PhoenixShipData.sqlite file, this will not work unless you use a merging tool, from here https://www.hogwartslegacymod.com/hogwarts-mod-merger/
Don’t forget to click the red exclamation point button in the mod merger to make the file compatible before you merge!