Metallic – Shell Wand Handle Recolours
As requested, two versions of the Metallic – Shell wand handle. One changes just the shell to blue, the other changes the shell to blue and the handle white.
Recoloured the metallic shell wand handle to have a blue shell, or a blue shell and white handle, as requested. You can see how it looked before for reference in the pictures.
You must have found this wand handle in one of the wand handle chests for you to use it.
If you haven’t found it yet, you can save in front of a wand handle chest before opening it, open the chest and if you don’t get the one you want just reload your save and repeat until you do.
I realise the white version looks kind of silver, but that’s just how it is because of the other textures on this wand handle.
Both versions use the same ChunkID so download only one.
- Any mod with ChunkID 292
- Unzip .pak, .ucas, .utoc files here:
[Your Steam Library Location]\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods - If [~mods] folder isn’t there, create it.
- Remove files to uninstall