Nothing Unlocked 0 Percent Completion Evil Hufflepuff
A true 0% game save. Nothing unlocked. No talents, no money, no friends, and never left the dorm (a true to life immersive experience). Evil Hufflepuff play-through.
Okay so full disclosure I made this as a joke. I see so many “100 percent completed”, “all main quests done” save files listed here. I don’t get it…why pay for the game to play a save file where your character is already irreversibly designed, and all the activities are done?
With that out of the way if you actually did download this (for some reason) here’s what you get. I gave each option in character creation a value (appearance choices, voice, dorm, house et cetera) and then selected randomized integers for each option. I used a website to randomly generate the name “Dudley Blackthorn” and even randomized the character’s disposition or alignment (which of course is reflected only in YOUR game play choices, but hell if you want a predetermined ‘toon’ here you have it). The character has been randomly created as described above with: a masculine type body and voice (randomly picked to have the lowest voice pitch..so enjoy the robotic sound) and lives in the “witches” dorm, again chosen by random, thank you Random.org. The house that was picked is Hufflepuff and the character’s randomly assigned alignment is Chaotic Evil, so, uh, have fun with that.
I guess one good thing about this is that the intro cut-scenes, Gringott’s stuff and sorting is already complete so all you have to do is step outside your badger-hole and begin torturing Muggles and Mudbloods alike.