OBS Hogwarts LUT 64
Broadcast fake BT2020 HDR in the nv12 rec709 colorspace.
short imperfect instructions:
Download install and understand OBS Studio.
Add HDR video source shrink.
Set HDR video source properties rec601 full.
Set advanced OBS video options rec709 full.
Add my cube LUT file as filter to the HDR video source.
OBS Hogwarts LUT64 is:
Open Broadcaster Software
Hogwarts Legacy HDR Game source shrink
my LUT which I normally cut 64 instead of 32.
not that it matters because this is a cube file.
If you are not sharing your
gaming experience with the general
public via streaming platform twitch.tv
then this mod is mostly of no use to you.
While this mod does have many applications.
It is simply a LUT image file which wraps
the rec601 colorspace up to the BT2020 deep color space
while broadcasting a rec709 video colorspace.
The reason this is important is because
when you play games in HDR and capture games in HDR
twitch does not support your HDR colorspace broadcast.
Twitch doesnt use hevc or av1 which would support HDR.
So instead
we have some options with OBS Studio.
P010 PQ2100 and HLG2100.
These all suck for streaming
because they consume
twice as much resource as
NV12, YUY2, UYVY (I never RGB)
So for me. I don’t want to use twice
as much resource streaming.
and I don’t want my viewers to experience
colorspace difference where games look
burnt out and bleached instead of
natural hdr colors.
So I create a LUT and share via raw cube file.
To enable others to share their experiences
with their friends at almost match color quality.
I want the viewers to see exactly what the game
looks like, not an altered version of the game.
I figured others might also want the same thing.
so there’s a mod for that now.
Which is currently tuned to support Hogwarts.
but is really applicable to anything that
supports LUT software images.
Let me know if you like my project.
I have spent many months
learning and building to complete this.
I am fully aware it’s not 4:4:4 perfect.
This is a lot of attempts compiled into a release attempt.
No one else appears to be doing this?