Owl-Anders Wand’s
Changes your wand options at Olivander’s to some cooler one’s.
This will change your option of Wands at Olivander’s to some of my wand handle options.
1- War Wand (Battle Mage)
2- Sailor Moon Wand (The Warrior Maiden)
3- Mjolnir (Gods among us)
4- Sith Light Saber (The Dark Side)
5- Jedi Light Saber (The Light Side)
6- Master Sword (The Hero)
7- Huma Staff (The Witch/ Wizard)
8- Sonic Screwdriver. (Timmey-Whimmy Stuff)
Sadly the base wands in the game can not have an emissive (Glow) effect so your lightsabers may look like toys from Wal-Mart. So i would recommend installing my Wand Handles Mod as well to give you the emissive option when you unlock them. I am working on adding a Wand Handle pack for each wand so you will have more options based around your choice.
Examples: The Master Sword will get a hero’s Wand Handle’s pack making your wand handle’s into weapons of other hero’s in Games and Anime.
The Jedi and Sith wand will each get packs with diff type/ color blades, and handle configurations.
Pleas Keep an eye out for when these updates/ Files are added.