Performance boost for potato PC

Hogwarts Legacy Mods |

Performance boost for potato PC

Made various changes to the graphic settings like low is now the lowest it could be and medium is optimized low. Can customize them form the settings menu like normal. More detailed info in the description.

Made various changes to the graphic settings like low is now the lowest it could be and medium is optimized low. Can customize them form the settings menu like normal. More detailed info in the description.

View distance Quality:
Low settings is now the lowest without looking extreme potato.
Medium is vanilla low.
High is vanilla medium.
Ultra is vanilla high.

Shadows Quality:
Low shadows are now the lowest.
Medium is optimized low.
High is vanilla low.
Ultra is vanilla medium.

Post process Quality:
Low settings are the lowest.
Medium is optimized low.
High is vanilla low.
Ultra is vanilla medium.

Texture Quality:
Low is the lowest.
Medium is optimized low.
High is vanilla low.
Ultra is vanilla medium.

Effects Quality:
Low is lowest.
Medium is optimized low.
High is vanilla low.
Ultra is vanilla medium.

Foliage Quality:
Low is lowest.
Medium is optimized low.
High is vanilla low.
Ultra is vanilla medium.

Fog Quality:
Low is the lowest.
Medium is vanilla low.
High is vanilla medium.
Ultra is vanilla high.

Population Quality:
Low is optimized low.
Medium is vanilla low.
High is vanilla medium.
Ultra is vanilla high.

Sky Quality:
Low disables volumetric clouds.
Medium is vanilla low.
High is vanilla medium.
Ultra is vanilla High.

If you are having trouble with very bright indoor spaces try changing the shadow settings to medium or higher for enabled shadows. If you are having trouble with stars not shining bright enough in a mission try changing the post processing settings to medium or higher for enabled bloom.

Installation for .pak file:

  1. Go to \Phoenix\Content\Paks
  2. *OPTIONAL* Create a new folder there named “~mods”.
  3. Download the mod and drop its contents in either the Paks folder or the ~mods folder.

Installation for Scalability.ini file:

  1. Go to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Hogwarts Legacy\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor
  2. Replace your Scalability.ini with the mod’s.
  3. Make sure you set it to Read Only before launching the game or else it will be overwritten by the game and almost everything in it will be deleted. To set it to Read Only you need to Right Click it, click properties and check Read Only in there.
  4. If you want to edit it use Scalability Reference | Unreal Engine 4.27 Documentation as a reference. To edit it uncheck Read Only, make whatever changes you want and set it back to Read Only before launching the game.

Choose either the .pak file or the Scalability.ini file. As far as I can tell the Scalability.ini file is working fine but there’s a chance the game isn’t reading everything correctly.

If you want to use my Engine.ini go to %LOCALAPPDATA%\Hogwarts Legacy\Saved\Config\WindowsNoEditor and drop it there. Or open my editted Engine.ini with Notepad and copy paste my modifications to yours. I’ve included one with comments that explain what each line does.
E.G. If you want is disabled fog go to your engine.ini and put this at the end of the file:

If you want to restore your Engine.ini delete it and launch your game. A new one will be generated.

Credits: yakuzadeso
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

Useful Information: How to install Hogwarts Legacy Mods | Hogwarts Legacy System Requirements | About Hogwarts Legacy Game

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