Sorting Hat Save Game FEMALE
Skip the tutorial as a girl since the only save game currently is a male.
I did this because doing the tutorial 4 times is annoying so if you want to visit the common rooms, do house quests or get the hidden achievements on Steam, here you go.
PS: This is my character I made for Slyhterin gameplay, feel free to change her appearance (and name with mods if you’re not a noob like me lol).
Remember to backup your saves before!!!
1. Go to C:\Users\XXXXX\AppData\Local\Hogwarts Legacy\Saved\SaveGames\000000 (This number being your ID, everyone has a different one).
2. Backup your files (Just make a folder and place everything there).
3. Open the .rar and move the HL-02-12.sav to the 000000 folder.
4. Open the game.
If for some reason it doesn’t show and instead it’s your normal walkthrough, deactivate Steam Cloud.