Spells Enhanced – With Voice Lines
Adds 9 new spells including enemy spells Reducto and Expulso. It has voice lines for the spells.
This mod adds eight new spells. Five of them has cast voice line. Check out the video section to hear the spell cast voices.
Full Spell List:
- Reducto: The Reductor Curse (Reducto) is a curse that blasts solid objects to pieces.
- Expulso: The Expulso Curse (Expulso) is a curse used to produce immense explosions, blasting the target apart with a burst of blue light; it has enough force to throw people into walls.
- Apparation: Apparition is a form of magical transportation, in which the user travelled instantly from one location to another, without traversing the space in-between.
- Apparation Maxima: Apparition is a form of magical transportation, in which the user travelled instantly from one location to another, without traversing the space in-between.
- Stupefy (The one after protego): The Stunning Spell (Stupefy), also known as the Stupefying Charm, or Stunner for short, is a charm that stuns the target, rendering them unconscious.
- Petrificus Totalus (Enemy Version): Powerful enough to bind most enemies permanently, but more dangerous foes will only take some damage and then quickly break free from the effect.
- Incendio Incantatem: The Fire-Making Spell, also known as the Fire-Making Charm (Incendio Incantatem) is a charm that conjures a jet of flames that can be used to set things alight.
- Obliviate: The Memory Charm (Obliviate), also known as the Forgetfulness Charm, is a charm that can be used to erase specific memories from an individual’s mind.
- Confundus: The Confundus Charm (Confundo) is a charm which confuses and misdirects the target.
Update 1.4:
- Updated SQL for the patch.
- Added localization to every language but only in English.
- Changed Apparition. Doesn’t need to aim with wand anymore.
Update 1.5:
- Increased the range of Apparition. Changed the wand cast animation.
- Download the mod
- Copy and paste the content into: Steam\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods
- If you use any other mod that modifies SQL use Mod Merger for “zzSpellsEnhanced_SQL.pak”. If you don’t merge it or don’t use SQL you won’t see the spells. Do not merge with any other spell mod.
- Localization is only in English as of now.
This mod uses chunk number 361.