Talent Reset Potion
Talent Reset Potion enables a potion, which you can buy the recipe at J Pippin’s potion store.
Talent Reset Potion
This adds a talent reset potion, the recipe can be bought from J Pippin’s potion store in Hogsmeade.
The potion itself will be available to craft in the potion station after purchasing the recipe, at the moment it does not have a proper icon so it will show up as a red exclamation point in your inventory. Once crafted, it will be inside your mission items inventory page as this was the best place I could put it for now since I can’t add more slots to the Tool Wheel.
There are a couple quirks, one which I stated above about the potion being accessed from mission items. When you use the potion from your inventory, it will only show a Destroy option but you can still consume the potion by selecting it and using the “Use” key (F by default). Another quick is after consuming the potion, you will need to close and re-open your field guide for the UI to update.
If the recipe doesn’t show up on the vendor right away, you may have to wait up to 3 game days for the vendor to restock, at which point the item should be available.
Easy: 5 Horklump Juice, 5 Shrivelfig, 5 Stench of the Dead, 3m brew time
Medium: 15 Horklump Juice, 15 Shrivelfig, 15 Stench of the Dead, 30m brew time
Hard: 20 Horklump Juice, 20 Shrivelfig, 20 Stench of the Dead, 90m brew time
This mod edits the SQL Database, as well as the translation files.
It will be incompatible with any mod that also alters these unless they are merged.
Copy the downloaded pak file to:Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods