The Ultimate Room of Requirement – 4 Houses Edition
Welcome to the ultimate Room of Requirement. (work in progress)
– 4 Houses HQ (RoR) : The best and most private place in Hogwarts to study, duel and relax.
Every student has his own space depending on the house.
– The Hamlet (Forest Vivarium) : Welcome to the Hamlet of requirement: the only free place for elves!
You will find houses, gardens, a house-elf settlement and an arena for the most agile wizards.
– Parseltown (Dark Vivarium) : In our Room of Requirement even the darkest wizards need a place that feels like home.
You will find houses, black markets and dark and secret places.
Go to C:\Users\[Username]\AppData\Local\Hogwarts Legacy\Saved\SaveGames\[RandomNumber]
Make a backup of your save (HL-00-00.sav) and then replace it with my save file.
From the main screen, load the manual save.
I also greatly recommend using it with this graphical enhancement : Ultra Plus Visuals and Performance Fixes
Can be imported in your own save if you have unlocked all the upgrade for the RoR (work in progress for a more stable way)
UPDATE: Dark vivarium – Parseltown added + RoR enhanced.
Credits: Big thanks to Ravenofwar for making some of the screenshots and to ℜuna for finding a way to import it in your own save file.