Unique Player Eye Shapes
Changes the default player pupil shape for both male and female. Does not affect NPCs or creatures.
Use Brighter Eyes for colors or you can leave it with vanilla colors.
!! Install only one main file !!
1. Download the file with the shape you want.
2. Extract the archives with Winrar.
3. Put all three files from each archive in:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods
You can create the ~mods folder if you do not have it.
Do not rename the file.
This mod will work with head replacers as long as they replace presets 1-15.
This mod will only work on presets 1-15 for both genders. That means this mod will not work with face presets after 15 from Extended Character Creator.
Mod uses pakchunk 1070.