Vanilla Ponytails (Witch)
Replaces the bald hair with 1 of 5 base-game NPC ponytails
Choose only 1 of the ponytails to install.
Hair will be hidden under hats like vanilla game
Physics works
Does not include models, it’s a data edit to `DA_HairFemale052`
ChunkID = 172 /110
Unzip the file that you download
Put the files in your mods folder:
`…\steamapps\common\Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods`
Update notes:
v3a – Added an alternative download with Kairi’s files who are on ChunkID 110 to try and fix some conflicts
v3 – Change ChunkID from 111 to random 172 to fix conflicts
v2 – Rename files for quality-of-life, attempt to fix issues.
v1 – Release.