Year Level – change your height
Adds the ability to change the player character’s height between several presets by using the numpad.
Allows you to roleplay as other year levels.
Required the blueprint apparate modloader.
Download the blueprint apparate modloader: https://www.hogwartslegacymod.com/blueprint-apparate-modloader/
Download this mod
unzip both mods to your Hogwarts Legacy\Phoenix\Content\Paks\~mods folder
launch the game and once in-game press F8 then type ‘yearlevel’ without the quotations, and hit enter
Once installed use the numpad to change height
num 0 = ant mode (tiny)
num 1-4 = first year to fourth year
num 5 = fifth year (vanilla)
num 6 = adult height
num 7-9 = taller than adult
num – = small with giant head
num + = giant mode
Cloth physics freaks out, just take your cloak off then on to reset it after changing your height
Player character size reverts to normal while on the broom
Character will revert to vanilla height after loading screens
In the miscellaneous files section there is an alternate version of the mod for left handed control schemes.
Use ‘yearlevel_lh’ without quotations.
This will allow you to use F1-F12 to control height instead of the numpad.